
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Trash Talk Tuesday: Why Is Everyone Blaming JJ Abrams?

Don't cry Trekkies. It wasn't that bad.

 Spoilers Ahead! 

This post should be prefaced with the fact that I am not a Trekkie. I've seen a couple episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation, but not enough to truly say I'm a fan. But when I saw the first JJ Abrams film, and I loved it. But when rumors started about this film I had no idea who Khan was, or what to think. My boyfriend showed me Wrath of Khan just so I would understand the references and rumours that were all over the internet. I needed to understand because I had to see Star Trek Into Darkness. Reason? Benedict Cumberbatch. Enough said.

I enjoyed the change up of Kirk dying rather than Spock. But I guess I fell into the trap of liking something just because it was slightly altered. Which is stupid of me. I realized mistakes and silliness when I read this article: Star Trek Into Darkness: The Spoiler FAQ. It was a hilarious read. I suggest it.

But what I don't enjoy is the blaming of JJ Abrams. He's the director. He didn't write the script. This is something that fans do a lot. Its like blaming Benedict Cumberbatch for playing Khan. "How dare he play that character, he's white." It's silly to blame the director, just like its silly to blame the actor. You should blame the person who had the final say in the script and the decision making power of who cast the actors.

Also, I'm all for different races playing characters but I don't like actors being cast simply because they are a certain color. If Benedict Cumberbatch was the best actor for the role, he should play the role. I only have a problem that he was cast if they purposely said, "We are only hiring white actors." That makes it different story. (Example: The way The Hunger Games was cast.)

I guess my trash to talk is about fans. Stop being such a fan that you can't see problems, and stop being such a fan that you only see problems. You should appreciate the people who make the movies possible, and not criticize them for the limitations they have in filming. Otherwise, there won't be new movies. Your choice.

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