
Monday, April 8, 2013

Manic Monday: Why I will never approve of Ted Mosby's wife

"All that is 45 days away. But I’m here now, I guess, because I want those extra 45 days with you. 
I want each one of them. If I can’t have them, 
I’ll take the 45 seconds before your boyfriend shows up and punches me in the face, 
because I love you."
- Ted Mosby, How I Met Your Mother Season 8 Episode 20
 For some reason, I didn't watch How I Met Your Mother from the beginning. I started it only after a bunch of my friends told me how amazing it was and how I just HAD to watch. They would say "had" like I would stabbed if I didn't. Or at least, one friend did. But I think she just wanted to stab me (needless to say, we aren't friends anymore). So instead of telling my friends I started the series, risk the chance of not liking it and being stabbed I watched in secret (thank you channel 131). Eventually, I told my boyfriend, but only after I fell in love with the show. 

Am I still in love with the show? I'm not so sure. The last episode was slightly stupid, and mostly reminded me of Ted's need for a therapist. I just want to scream at the television saying, "You don't need a woman to be happy!" But I'm in a happy relationship, so how I can really tell him or anyone that? I still love the show, but it needs to end. 

I can't imagine being one of the people who has kept with it since the beginning. The ongoing relationship failures of Ted Mosby make it unbelievable to me that he will ever have a successful relationship. The standards he holds and the image in his head of what his woman SHOULD be just doesn't exist. We get little pieces of knowledge about the mother but those only make her more unrealistic to me. How unrealistic the mother has been built up to be is shocking because of how realistic and well put together the rest of the women on the show are. 

In the end, I decided I don't want the mother to be cast. I never want to see her face, or hear her voice. I want her to remain a faceless woman with a yellow umbrella. She will never live up the image the writers have created for us. No actress is going to be that wonderful. And how will she ever compare to the wonderful writing the writers and the acting that Alyson Hannigan and Cobie Smulders have created in Lily and Robin? She never will in my opinion. 

And how could a woman that perfect end up married to the whining, condescending, self-hating man that is Ted Mosby? Ted needs to make serious strides in himself before I will ever believe he can be in a serious and successful marriage. Even Barney has had more self improvement than Ted, and he is the man who should probably have an STD.  

I love HIMYM but I don't love shows that go on for too long. You have to know when you are "beating a dead horse," as it is often said. But I'm excited for the series end, and I will be watching until then. Hopefully the next episode takes me down a few pegs on this post. 

Shows I watch airing this week: 
Sunday: None. 
Monday: None. 
Tuesday: None. 
Wednesday: Modern Family!
Thursday: None. 


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