
Monday, September 30, 2013

That's All, Bitch: The Series Finale of Breaking Bad

It's all over now, baby blue.

Granite Slate and Felina were, in my opinion, an epilogue to the real finale: Ozymandias. No episode of the show was as well acted, well shot, or as beautifully edited as that episode. But Felina was the ending that most of the audience wanted and needed for our own health. Americans need epilogues. For example, the epilogue of the Harry Potter series was added for Americans. It was added for those that needed to see Harry with his children in order to feel the series was complete. We need everything to be wrapped up all pretty with a bow. 

I would have been happy with Skyler being the one to kill him.

But this is where I seem to differ in opinion with most others. I don’t see “Heisenberg’s Last Stand” in this finale to be perfect or completely wrapped up. 

Many have stated, for example the IGN editors in this video,  that they felt they needed to suspend disbelief in order to be okay with how easily Walt’s plan was executed. I think those who believe that missed a few things. 

I don’t believe that Walt wanted to die the way he did. As much as he was able to die in peace, it wasn’t the death he imagined when his plan was created. Walt wanted to either be killed by Jesse, by the police, or by his cancer during a stay in prison. He was completely shocked by the bullet hitting him; it wasn’t a part of the plan. 

As much as Walt was successful in the end, that plan was not perfect and he did not get everything he wanted. Walt built his empire and was the one to destroy it but he lost his family. He even lost Jesse, though I was proud of Jesse for finally saying no and going his own way. 

Todd died like he lived, as a little bitch.

The audience didn’t even get to see every character to see that all was wrapped up. What happened to Huell and Kuby? Do they go down for being involved with Saul who was the lawyer for Mr.White? Does Lydia die or is she able to get to a hospital fast enough? Brock was able to live, but that was Lily of the Valley. Once the bodies of Hank and Gomez are found will Marie still be able to forgive Skyler? I know that she calls a truce with her in order to talk on the phone, but that could change once she sees her husband’s dead body. Is Skyler truly freed by giving the DEA the location of the bodies? Do the Gray Matter assholes give Walt Jr. the money? There’s so much we still don’t know. 

Overall, this was Walter White’s story and his story was wrapped up. But it was not pretty, nor wrapped up tightly with a bow. Breaking Bad was a wonderful story and the entirety of it should be used as examples in film schools for directing, acting, writing, editing, etc. This show rightfully deserves all the Emmys it has received and will receive and my humble little blog gives it a 5 out of 5.

Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions about mine and the series in the comments section. 

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